With my elder and one of my great sources of Ngoni history, Mr Rodgers Nzima (former headman Nyalongo) from Nyalongo Village under iNkosi Maguya in Eastern Zambia.
Now, Nyalongo Village is an offshoot of Ndima village which is under Inkosi Manziamabi Jele, also of Eastern Zambia. Ndima village is the parent village for all the Nzima villages in Zambia. It was founded by Masongosongo Nzima, who was the inspirational figurehead of the Nzimas of Eastern Zambia. These were navigators for the Mphezeni Nation. The Chikala kraal, a subkraal under Inkosi Madzimawe is headed by the Nzimas.
When they arrived at the New Mthenguleni village, they settled there whilst other clans and groups continued trekking. However, as the Nzimas grew in mighty, it was inevitable that others would need to also move out of the parent village.
Nyalongo Nzima was one of those that moved out of the Ndima village. He went and settled in the village of Chongwe (correct is Simphiwe Shongwe) under present day iNkosi Mshawa. He was not yet married by this time.
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