Renowned Zambia Doctor Andrew Mulenga writes:

What you would rather not hear!

My research into human sexuality,

Read what follows at your own risk!

Marriage is physiologically wrong!I know it sounds rough, but it’s true! Man and woman is essentially a socialized animal, but still an animal all the same! And all animals are heretogenous in sexual orientation!This is just the way the animal genes are made to work.

 They are primed for pleasure seeking, primed to get the best there is either in food or in entertainment! Nature is at play here, All animals want to mate with the strongest, most appealing spouse! This way the propagation of species is assured.

Zambian Doctor,Teddy Andrew Mulenga aka TAM

It’s wrong to think a sexually satisfied man or woman won’t stray as the reasons for straying are way beyond just mere sexual satisfaction. Spouses may cheat because of:

-financial support

-emotional void


-inquisitiveness inherent in all animals to explore

-lack of variety

-lack of sexual satisfaction

-the need to punish erring partners

-Lack of attention to their needs as animals

On the top list is not sexual satisfaction, its need for novelty, need for variation, and excitement. And excitement is not always sexual! It comes in many forms, Sex being just a minor part of it.

All animals when exposed to same food over time may die of boredom, if not malnutrition! Meat is good, but meat every day for 40 years will turn you off! This is essentially the key to cheating spouses. Routine kills!

I have also seen that animals that have full stomachs and less problems, financially or otherwise are bound to cheat more. They have the time to explore for novelty and pleasure.

Man and woman with little imagination eventually bore themselves to death! Everything is reduced to duty, to repeatable predictable routine. This is bad for love affairs and marriage!

So it’s not the six packs, ‘’katundus’’, size of wells here that matter. Even the most perfect fit, will eventually run down themselves. And depending on social upbringing, cultural beliefs, religious standing, and personal self-control straying or stepping out becomes imperative!

What can you do to reduce chances of cheating in marriages or relationships?

-Allow for more imagination, vary your actions and behaviors

-Create variety in your lives together. Living your spouse while you go out to Bars alone every night is a passport to cheating either side! Leaving your Spouse while you go for overnight prayers day in day out, is equally a passport to infidelity!

-visit parks, rivers. lakes, go swimming together,go for movies, visit new places as a couple, travel more, see new places, Go out for a meal, break that monotony!

-Go see game together, vary your lives!

-Communicate to your partner more on what makes you tick

-Vary your positions, experiment more sexually(a woman should be a bitch to her husband, and a man a dog to her woman!)

-Vary the places where it all happens

-Do not over do things, leave something to guess work, and do not over expose your bodies as well, leave something for guess work! Some would say too much familiarity breeds contempt-be warned!

-Never pass remarks such as ''you are too fat/ too thin" to your spouse, you kill their self-esteem

-Praise your spouse about their beauty!

-Let me repeat this, go out for meals, eat out together!

Take heart, marriage is a bore, its society's doing, not yours as an animal! Marriage is the worst kind of union, only problem is there is none better!

I truly hope you don’t believe all this!


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